Get Ready
Get Ready (Here I Come)

This song has been colour coded by ReBelle and Sue to show who is singing which part.
The code is: Nick | Brian | Kevin | Howie | AJ | All or more than one

Track Info | Hear it


I never met a girl like you
(here we go x3)

I never met a girl who makes me feel
The way that you do (You're alright)
Whenever I'm asked what makes-a my dreams real
I say that you do (You're outta sight)
So fee fi fo fum
Look out baby
'Cause here I come

And I'm bringing you a love that's true
So get ready
Get ready
I'm gonna try to make you love it too
So get ready
Get ready, here I come (x3)
I'm on my way

If you wanna play hide and seek with love
Let me remind you (It's alright)
The loving that you're gonna miss in the time
It takes to find you (It's outta sight)
So fiddleleedee fiddlelee dum
Look out baby
'Cause here I come

And I'm bringing you a love that's true
So get ready
Get ready
I'm gonna try to make love with you
So get ready
Get ready, here I come (x3)
I'm on my way

Yo it's time for a breakdown (never met a girl)
One, two, comin' for you
We're the Backstreet Boys
We're gonna jam with you
Gonna move, ya groove
Make ya sing, get ready girls
And dance with me

If all of my friends should want you too
I'll understand (We'll be alright)
I hope I get to see you before they do
The way I planned (Be outta sight)
So fiddledeedee fiddleddedum
Look out baby
'Cause here I come

And I'm bringing you a love that's true
So get ready
Get ready
I'm gonna try to make you love it too
So get ready
Get ready

I'm gonna try to make you love me too
So get ready (x2)
I'm gonna try to make you love me too
So get ready, get ready

Here we go, here we go, yo, yo, yo, get ready
Get ready, here we go, here we go,
Get ready, cause here I come (x2)

Fiddleleedee fiddlelee dum
We're the Backstreet Boys
And here we come

Ciao for now!

Track Info

Get Ready was first recorded by the Temptations back in 1966. It's been remade by several artists over the past years including the Supremes (who changed the words to "never met a boy") and Rare Earth. This sound clip came from a live television performance done back in 1993! They boys were performing for a small group of girls and they were LIP-SYNCHING! Notice how many solos Kevin and Howie had back then! And Brian barely sung a note by himself . . .
I know they don't always sound like they do now, but trust me, this colour coding is 100% correct! Cool, huh?
If you are interested in hearing another song recorded during this same performance, click here to be taken to the lyrics page for Let Me Be Your LoverBoy.
I would like to thank my friend Sue for sending me this song.

Click Here to update/add/correct any of this info or these lyrics.