song has been coded by ReBelle
to show who is singing which part.
Oh if someone writes a song
With a simple rhyme
(Justin from N'Sync)
Just a song
Where his feelings show
(Scott Moffatt of the Moffatts)
And if someone feels the
About the simple song
Oh sometimes
You can hear them sing
Music gives you happiness
and sadness
(Nick Carter)
But it also, it also heals
your soul
Let the music heal your
Let the music take control
Let the music give you
The power to move any mountain
If someone plays piano
With some simple chords
(Aaron Carter)
So melodic
And endearing too
(Brian Littrell)
Oh if someone plays guitar
With the old piano
(Johnny Galecki)
And maybe
You can hear them sing
(Nick Carter)
Music gives you happiness
or sadness
But it also, it also heals
your soul
(Brian Littrell)
Let the music heal your
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your
(Nick Carter)
Oh yes
(Brian Littrell)
Everybody sing, yeah
(AJ )
Let the music heal your
Let the Music heal your soul was recorded together by many different artists including the Backstreet Boys, the Moffatts, Aaron Carter and Justin Timberlake from 'N Sync. The song was for charity and does have a music video to go along with it. It got lots of TV time, particularly on Much Music, Canada.
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