Nobody But You
Nobody But You

This song has been colour coded by ReBelle to show who is singing which part.
The code is: Nick | Brian | Kevin | Howie | AJ | All or more than one

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Ain't nobody else but you (2x)
Ain't nobody else but you

There is nobody
Who can make me cry
Nobody else can do it
Nobody but you (2x)
Ain't nobody else but you
There is nobody who can make me lie
Nobody else can do it
Nobody but you (2x)
Ain't nobody else but you
Nobody, nobody but you

Gimme one more chance to make it right
The time has come for us to reunite
'Cause baby it's true
Ain't nobody else but you
There's no one like you

There is nobody
Who can make it right
Nobody else can do it
Nobody but you
You know what to do
Ain't nobody else but you
Nobody, nobody but you

(Kevin sings here too)
Somebody tell me
'Cause I can't eat or sleep
When you're not close to my body
You're a bittersweet delight
Come and help me through the night

Ain't nobody else can make me cry
Ain't nobody else can make me lie
Nobody but you
Ain't nobody else but you
Nobody but you
No one can make me lie

Gimme one more chance to make it right
Time has come for us to reunite
'Cause baby it's true
Ain't nobody else but you
There's no one like you

Track Info

Nobody But You can be found as bonus tracks on a few of the debut albums. This song used to be Kevin's solo during concerts. They recorded it as a group with Kevin singing lead vocals. It's funky and yet soothing all at the same time. What can I say? I love it when they let Kevin sing.

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