The Perfect Fan

This song has been colour coded by Ladybugg to show who is singing which part.
The code is: Nick | Brian | Kevin | Howie | AJ | All or more than one

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It takes a lot to know what is love
It's not the big things, but the little things
That can mean enough
A lot of prayers to get me through
And there is never a day that passes by
I don't think of you
You were always there for me
Pushing me and guiding me
Always to succeed

You showed me
When I was young just how to grow
You showed me
Everything that I should know
You showed me
Just how to walk without your hands
'Cause mom you always were
The perfect fan

God has been so good
Blessing me with a family
Who did all they could
And I've had many years of grace
And it flatters me when I see a smile on your face
I wanna thank you for what you've done
In hopes I can give back to you
And be the perfect son

You showed me
When I was young just how to grow
You showed me
Everything that I should know
You showed me
Just how to walk without your hands
'Cause mom you always were
The perfect fan

You showed me how to love
You showed me how to love
You showed me how to care
You showed me how to care
You showed me that you would
Always be there
I wanna thank you for that time
And I'm proud to say you're mine

CHORUS - repeat

'Cause mom you always were
Mom you always were
Mom you always were
You know you always were
'Cause mom you always were . . . the perfect fan

I love you mom

Track Info

The Perfect Fan was written by Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys, for his mother. Brian also had a high school choir sing the back up vocals on this track. Leslie Carter (which could be Nick's little sister but that has not been confirmed) is included in the list of members in the choir for this song. Nick was sick for the recording of this song. His doctor advised him not to sing. He does NOT sing the line "'Cause mom you always were"on the album. He does sing it live, but BRIAN sings it on the album.

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